Mentorship & Group Programs
Through mentorship programs and group courses, teaching powerful practices like light language, journaling, and channeling, individuals embark on profound healing journeys that allow them to reconnect with their true essence. These transformative experiences not only catalyze deep personal growth and self-discovery, but also inspire and empower participants to courageously peel back the many conditioned layers they've accumulated over a lifetime - layers of limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions, unhealed traumas, and adopted personas that obscure the brilliant light of their authentic being. By learning to transmute pain into wisdom, release what no longer serves, and reclaim their innate wholeness, those who walk this path of awakening begin to radiate the full expression of their soul. In holding compassionate space for each person's unfolding while sharing potent tools for self-exploration, these programs ignite a ripple effect of healing that extends far beyond the individual. As more and more people do the brave work of untangling from old stories and inherited patterns to reveal the luminous truth of who they are, they naturally inspire others to undertake their own journey from shadow to light. Through this collective unveiling, humanity takes a quantum leap toward greater consciousness, connection, and freedom.
Mentorship Program
Soul Empowerment & Light Activation Sessions
In this course, you will embark on a profound journey of remembrance, reconnecting with the sacred wisdom that already resides within your soul. Through understanding and practicing ancient techniques, you will learn to create and work within a sacred space, a sanctuary where you can commune with your guardians and guides and tap into the infinite well of cosmic knowledge. As you open yourself to the transformative power of light language, you will discover how to channel this divine frequency through your voice, allowing it to flow through you in a stream of celestial melodies and ethereal tones.
You will also explore the art of writing light symbols and codes, etching these luminous glyphs onto the fabric of reality to manifest healing, balance, and spiritual growth. Rather than simply imparting new skills, this course serves as a catalyst for remembering the innate abilities and cosmic connections that have always been a part of your essence.
As you progress through this enlightening journey, you will experience profound upgrades in your consciousness and energy field, empowering you to step into your true potential as a galactic being. This course is a rejuvenating and inspiring experience that will reawaken the truth of your soul's mission and help you align with your divine pathway in this lifetime and beyond.
Embrace the fullest expression of your being through the mastery of transformative spiritual practices. This mentorship guides you on a journey to illuminate your path, empowering you to embody the wisdom and light that resonate with your soul's true essence.
£444,00 (4 x 90-minute sessions)
Light Language Soul Healing & Activation
Raise your vibration
Open your heart
Channeled psychic guidance
The importance of creating a protection grid
Gain a higher perspective on all aspects of your own life
Increase your confidence and gain more clarity
Breathwork & guided meditation
Get a complete understanding of Light Language and its uses
For more information, get in touch!
Group Programs
Light Language: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Are you feeling a deep soul calling to reconnect with the light that is your true essence? Are you ready to activate your divine blueprint, re-awakening an ancient knowing within you - a sacred remembrance of your innate ability to channel the galactic frequencies of the stars?
Light language is a direct conduit to Source energy, an ethereal dialect spoken by your soul and the universe itself. As you embark on this transformative journey, you will be lovingly guided to attune to the high vibrational energies of the many star beings and ascended masters. With an open heart and curious mind, you will learn to effortlessly access this metaphysical tongue, allowing it to flow through you as healing light codes and multidimensional transmissions. Light language has the profound power to catalyze deep personal growth, emotional release, energetic upgrades, and quantum leaps in consciousness.
You'll experience a blissful sense of coming home to your truest Self as you remember this inherent gift. Channeling light language is a divine birthright, a powerful modality for direct communion with the cosmos and your own vast, brilliant, wondrous soul. If you feel called to explore this luminous path, trust that your guides are tenderly inviting you to reclaim this forgotten ability so you may bathe in the resplendent love and wisdom of the cosmos. This intimate container will provide a safe, nurturing space to reawaken your soul's sacred star language, empowering you to become a clear vessel through which galactic light and celestial inspiration can flow for the betterment of all. Welcome home, dear one - your soul is ready to sing its song of the stars once more.
Format: Zoom & Private Facebook Group
Dates: 01 -22 March, 2025
Lessons: Saturdays 7 – 8:30 pm (CET)
Q&A: Every second Thursday 7 - 8 pm (CET)
What You'll Learn
Light language, angelic language, speaking in tongues, or the language of the stars, is a beautiful form of communication that taps into the universal frequencies of love, healing, and higher consciousness. This celestial language is not comprised of words in the traditional sense, but rather pure vibrational energy expressed through ethereal vocalizations, sacred symbols, and cosmic codes.
When one speaks or writes in light language, they become a divine conduit, allowing galactic wisdom and healing energy to flow through them from higher realms. This multidimensional language has the power to harmonize and elevate the four main aspects of our being - the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies. As the soothing frequencies of light language wash over you, they gently release stuck energies, traumas, and limiting beliefs, guiding you back to your innate state of wholeness, self-love, and unity with All That Is.
Embarking on the journey of light language is a sacred and transformative experience, inviting you to enter a sacred space where you can forge a profound connection with your celestial guides and your own inner divinity. As you learn to surrender to the magic of the moment and let the luminous language pour through you, you'll find yourself penning beautiful symbols and codes that seem to dance on the page, each one a unique work of art imbued with layers of meaning and activation energy. Immersing yourself in the study and practice of light language is a powerful act of self-empowerment and soul retrieval, gifting you with an ever-deepening sense of trust in yourself, your intuition, and the compassionate forces that guide and support you on your evolutionary journey.
What to expect
Embark on an intimate learning journey with a small group of kindred spirits. I'm accepting a maximum of 8 participants to foster an engaging, personalized experience.
Feel the enlightening shift in your consciousness and learn to consciously channel this high-vibrational energy.
Strengthen your bond with the ancient guides, the Council of Light, and the numerous Ascended Masters, Guides, and Guardians. Their profound wisdom will empower and enlighten your journey, helping you rediscover your true essence.
By learning and using light language, embark on a transformative journey of personal healing and growth.
£222 (4-week group Mentorship program)
Dates in March 2025
4 Live group calls/month
Channeled psychic guidance
Guided meditation & breathwork
Get a complete understanding of Light Language and its uses
FB Community support & shared experience
Multidimensional healing sessions
For more information get in touch!
Channeling & Journaling
What is Channeling?
Channeling is the art of tuning into the whispers of your soul, a journey of self-discovery that invites you to embrace the deeper truths that reside within. It serves as a healing practice, a sacred and empowering means of communication that connects the earthly experience with the spiritual dimensions, enabling us to tap into the wellspring of wisdom and guidance that lies just beneath the surface of our consciousness. Through this process, we learn to navigate the complexities of our existence with clarity and purpose, fostering a sense of unity with the universe and a profound understanding of our own inner landscape.
Through channeling, we open ourselves up to a blossoming partnership with our guides and our inner selves. This transformative process eliminates the need to constantly seek answers and validation from external sources, as we learn to trust and embrace the insightful voice that resides within each of us. By cultivating a strong connection with our inner guide through channeling, we tap into a wellspring of compassion, clarity, and understanding that can illuminate our path and help us navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace.
Channeling is not some mysterious or esoteric practice reserved for a select few; rather, it is a natural mode of communication that is accessible to all who are willing to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and listen deeply to the wisdom that emerges from the depths of their being. As we strengthen our channeling abilities and learn to work in loving cooperation with our spirit guides and guardians, we empower ourselves to live more authentically, abundantly, and joyfully, secure in the knowledge that we are never truly alone on this journey of growth and self-discovery.
What You'll Learn
Participate in a weekly channeling practice session guided by Birgitta and her Guides and Guardians. You'll learn different techniques to open your channel, expand your consciousness, and develop clearer communication.
During the session, you'll have the opportunity to give and receive messages from fellow students. Afterward, there will be an open Q&A where you can discuss increasing your intuitive abilities and spiritual channeling with Birgitta & the group.
This nurturing environment will help you cleanse and clear stuck energy, release self-doubt and negative patterns and empower your compassionate channeling abilities. You'll also gain support and networking with like-minded individuals passionate about energy healing and spiritual development.
Uncover and nurture the sacred love that resides within you, creating a pathway to deep inner harmony and a connection with your divine counterpart. This group mentorship guides you in recalling ancient wisdom, embracing your healing essence, and restoring your sense of wholeness, and self-love.
£222 (4-week group Mentorship program)
Dates in March 2025 - tbc
Cultivate your intuition by nurturing your inner wisdom and enhancing your confidence in your spiritual abilities.
Break free from the limitations that hinder your progress and unlock your true potential.
Establish meaningful connections with your guides empowering you on your journey.
Conquer your fears by letting go of self-doubt and fully embracing your intuitive abilities.
Trust in the clarity of the guidance you receive, allowing it to dispel uncertainty and hesitation.
Elevate your energetic frequency to promote healing for yourself and those around you.
For more information get in touch!